Places to See on the Big Island

I thought I would group all the places to see on the big island into one entry so you will see some things here that are located on the dry side and some on the tropical side. We are staying on the dry side until the end of August, then switching to the tropical side for September. Keep checking back for additional content. Starting off the morning, I produced a quiche that can be paired with fruit for a breakfast, or a salad for a lunch or dinner. 4 eggs, 2 cups milk, 2 cups cheese, 1/2 cup flour, 1/2 […]


Our first stop in the land of beaches is Wawaloli Beach. Located just south of the airport, we came here about an hour before sunset. Wawaloli is a sandy beach protected by a lava barrier and allowing for several tidal pools. Our next beach day was Mauna Lani Beach Club, located just north of Waikoloa Beach, just off Hawaii 19. That’s what they call the road. They don’t say “highway 19” which is what I’m used to. Every time I hear Hawaii 19, my mind launches into the Hawaii 5-0 song. Seriously, every time. I didn’t get many pictures of […]

Hawaii – the Big Island

Our next two months will be spent on the Big Island of Hawaii, with the month of August on the Northwest side at Waikoloa Village, and September on the more remote southeast side at Pahoa. Our condo in Waikoloa Village is pretty nice I must say. Situated 900ft up the volcano and overlooking a golf course, with a glimpse of the ocean in the background. It is quite peaceful here – a nice welcome change from the street noises of Seattle.